Energy Upgrades the Right Way
Window Works is a TVA-trained and approved contractor in the Chattanooga, Tennessee area. This means you can have the confidence through TVA’s free inspection that your home energy upgrades were installed the right way, so you can live more comfortably.
With EnergyRight, you have access to a network of professional contractors, known as the Quality Contractor Network, who have been trained and approved by your local power company and TVA. Each contractor is licensed and insured and completes training on our quality guidelines. In addition, their work through EnergyRight is inspected by our professional energy advisors for free to ensure it’s done the right way.Ene

EnergyRight Is Designed For You
EnergyRight is designed for you, the customer, to receive approved installations and expert recommendations on your home’s way to the highest possible energy savings. These installations and recommendations are performed and offered by members of TVA and Your Local Power Company’s Quality Contractor Network. The upgrade opportunities come within 10 major categories: